if you don't know what i mean then don't worry. i will explane everything right now. so right now as i am writing this hazzy the game i been working on the devlement for it has not been great. if you remeber the game engine thing then good job you get ti eat some cake! but anyways it is happending agien because gamemaker is very unstable for me. idk why that is but it keeps crashing and my code is not working (it is a skill lssue for me i guess) and while making the game in Gdevlop before i used gamemaker it was easy to use and all that stuff. so i am thinking i might go back to it. it may cause the WHOLE RESTART of devlopment but i think it is worth it to stop using gamemaker. i do need to make a build on gamemaker first and see how play testers will do but i am also of thinking of using godot but the docs hurt my brain so i will use GDevlop when it is time.